Top 5 beautiful animal of India
1. Indian Tiger One of the most beautiful animals of India , the bangal tiger is very popular in world. they are found in the forest of Sundervan. It is the national animal of India. 2. Indian Dolphin Popular by the south Asia Dolphin. This dolphins are found in the fresh water of the Indian rivers. They are mainly found in ganga and bhramaputra. The dolphin in ganga river is recognized as the national aquatic animal by Government of India . 3. Ghadiya It is type of crocodile who eats fish and other aquatic animals, less the 200 lest in India it is listed in IUCN red list as a critically engendered. they are the longest among all the other specious of the crocodile. 4. Indian Rhinoceros Indian rhinoceros is also known as the greater one-horned rhinoceros. This animal is found in the forest on the banks of the river ganga. The Great Indian Rhinoceros is the fourth largest animal in the world. 5. nilgiri langur The Nilgir...