5 Things you should carry when you are travelling.

5 Things you should carry when you are travelling.

When you are travelling it is very important to take all the necessary things that can somehow helps making your travel more comfortable and safe. Here are some thing that you should carry.........

1. Your Passport, ATM card etc

Never forget to take your passport of ATM, Credit card with yourself this type of things can be came in to use any where.

2. Map and all the Necessary phone Numbers

You should have to carry a map when you are going to new location, you can not relay on the local peoples to tell you the direction, and try to make a diary in which all the necessary phone number are written like police, ambulance, fire etc.

3. First Aid

Always take a first aid box with yourself during travel, it is very important.

4. Water and some raw food

When you are travelling you should have to be prepared for the worst situation, take food and water with yourself to ensure that if you got stuck you have enough food and water to survive until help comes.

5. Sunglasses, hat, rain coat etc.

Depending upon the climate you should carry the accessories , so you don't have to spend extra bucks for those stuffs and you can enjoy every moment of your trip.

While travelling enjoy your every moment with friends and families , be safe, be happy :) .


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