Bir-Biling- paragliding adventure
Bir - billing is the place in the Himachal Pradesh where adventure enthusiast come to do paragliding it is a one in a lifetime experience one have o try if he is going to the bir- billing. it is the longest natural paragliding point in the world.
When we visited Dharamshala, we were also planning to do paragliding and after wondering in Dharamshala we decided to go to the Bir-Billing for paragliding. We search the rate and it was 2500, which were pretty expensive for the college student like us, but this is a one in a lifetime experience so we decided to do it.
We reached Bir at 2 PM, you have to register yourself at bir and have to pay 2500 there, and the paragliding people will take you to the takeoff point that is billing.
It was an amazing experience, 15 minutes of fly and it feels like you are a bird, on the midway, I also interacted with the pilot sitting behind me, he told me about all the history of this sport here in Bir. he had an experience of 19 years and also had represented India in international paragliding competition held in Bir-Billing in 2013, It was great talking to him.
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