Churdhaar Trek

It was the summer of 2015, aur exams was about to finish and we were very eager to go to some place where we can experience some adventure activities, we had only 3day for the trip so we decide to do churdhar trek.
Churdhar is the highest peak of the outer Himalayas, situated at churdhar sanctuary, Shimla. The total distance of this trek is about 30-35 Km, through the lovely grasslands and forests all the way to a Shiva idol atop the mountain.
So plan was ready, initially we were 4 guys who decided to do this trek but as you know at the end only 2 guys remain.

Now a little bit geography lesson here about churdhar, churdhar is situated in solan district of Himachal Pradesh, there are two ways to reach the churdhar, one is from Nohradhar the route is via solan and second is from chopal the route is via Shimla. Although the popular one is from Nohradhar. So we decided to take the Noradhar route.
Now for students like us money plays a very vital roll, in this whole trip we tried to make this trip as cheap as possible, and you don't believe it we done this trek in just 2500 rupee.
So the journey starts from ISBT Kashmiri gate, New Delhi, we took the HIM-MANI bus service of the HRTC that was going to Shimla , our plan was to go to solan from bus take the bus from there to Nohradhar, stay at Nohradhar, climb the trek next day, descend the day after tomorrow and head directly to solan where we have to catch the bus for Delhi.

Now since the plan was simple we were enjoying the journey, the GT road highway is amazing, we had our lunch in the place called Pipli, we took a hell lot of pictures there people were looking is like we were some kind of crazy guys but that didn't bothered us.

We reach Solan at around 4PM in the evening, after enquiry we got to know that there was no bus to Nohradhar at that hour, now the bus will run tomorrow, we were pissed, we ask a taxi driver for Nohradhar he says he will charge us 2500, we straight said no, for obvious reasons ofcourse. On asking a bus conductor we got to know the first bus to Nohradhar is at around 6 AM, that will going to take around 3 to 4 hours, to reach Nohradhar, So we dicided to stay at a hotel and catch the first bus to Nohradhar, after the break fast at Nohradhar we will start climbing.

Now the hunt for the hotel starts, we got a decent hotel for 900 rupee, you can even get a cheaper on you just need to find. In the evening we tried so local food, wonder on mall road of solan and watch a movie called "Azahar" my friend was not in the mood to watch the movie but I insisted, and the result for disaster, we were sleeping half the time but no worry because the tickets cost us 50 rupee each only.
Next day journey started, the bus to Nohradhar. We stepped in the bus, and the bus was pretty empty, but in no time it got crowded but fortunately we got the seats. The Road is not that good to the Nohradhar. At Rajgarh ( a place between Solan and Nohradhar) the bus got over crowded, so the conductor sad to all the young people to go for the roof all the people including us just ran for the roof of the bus, it was my first bus roof journey and it was epic. While we were traveling we came to know all of the people sitting on the roof top were going to the Churdhar also. The view from the top of the bus was amazing, the mountains, the greenery, the weather everything was perfect. We reach Nohradhar at 10 am after the breakfast we brought some fruits for the journey.

We started our trek at 10.30 am. The first few kilometer is difficult because your body is not adapted to walk in the acclivity, so we started slow, slowly we left the Nohradhar far behind and the thin forest started. As we approach further the path becomes less steep, and now we were pacing a little bit. the forest becomes dense and the view more beautiful as we were approaching. We reached a place with two huts at both sides of the path in the green field, which are actually a small dhabha, we rested there for a small time and start our journey. In no time we left the forest behind and took the green grassy path. Now we were able too see Shiva idol at top of the mountain. Now we came to point where we need to decide to take a shortcut which was an almost vertical path or takes a long cut which was an easy path but we need to go around the mountain to reach for the Shiva idol. so we take the Shortcut that was very bad idea because that was very steep and we were having rest in every 10 steps.

Eventually, we reach the top, and the view was amazing, we reach the top at 4 pm, i take the blessing f Lord Shiva and went to the dharmashal where people were in the line for the blanket we also stood in the line and took our place in the dharmashal. The night there was very cold and there was no electricity, our phone ran out of battery. In the night i get a pleasant sleep. In dinner you can have "langger" which is free from the temple committee, otherwise there are few small dhabas where you can eat.

Early in the morning at around 6am, we start to come down to nohradhar and we made it to nohradhar in just 4 hours. At Nohradhar we had our lunch and we charged our mobiles, and we took the bus to solan, again it was a roof ride the sun was shining bright and we enjoyed our journey since we had our bus at the same evening at around 10 we dicided to stay in hotel get fresh and then leave for the bus, on taking a hotel for just 500 rupee when I took the bath I realised that I had a skin burn,
when I opened the hot shower, my whole nose and shoulders were burning like hell, and then I realised that is was due to our roof ride, in the evening we again watched a movie this time in multiplex the name of the movie was captain America civil war, after the movie we went straight to bus stop, we took our bus and was in Delhi at around 6AM.

All in all it was a great experience and was a very cheap trek, that every student can afford I just spend 2500 for this trek.

For any queries feel free to ask.
And here are some memories from the trek.


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