How to make you day productive.

Make your day productive, for me my days are productive if I do atleast one thing in a day which I like, it's may be a little run, drawing, writing an article or reading a newspaper.           

Best way to make your day productive is to list the things that you like and do them, atleast one of them, in today's busy world one doesn't have time for themselves and it's very important to give yourself time and think where are you going in your life, what are the things you want in your life and how you want to make your life better .
Money is important but what is the use of that money when you are not happy, I remember talking to a businessman who was a rider, I asked him why he rides and what makes him so passionate about riding, he told me that life is so hectic now days that stress is always there in your mind and the only way to de-stress your mind is to do what you likely and what makes you happy , for me it's riding so every Sunday he goes on a ride around Delhi and sometimes out of Delhi, this help him meeting new people like him, who was just riding for fun and now they have their riders group that do big rides every year.
In order to make your day productive you should rise early, in the silence of cold morning breeze, think to improve your life, do not touch your mobile phone when you wake up for atleast an hour, sit and meditate, breath, realise you are alive, smile and think of how to improve your life.
I know there are some people whose life are just perfect they have nothing to worry about, that is a very nice thing but for them I just have to say to invest your time in your health, do exercise and make your self fit for the battle of life because as you grow your body tends to stops cooperating with you, it's better to stay one step ahead and be fit.
I have seen people whose life is just stuck between the working hours, everyday they get up just to go to the work and after coming back from work they think about the next day of work. They are not living in the present they are just living a robotic life working and working, better to give your life a reason to live, don't settle for less, be multidimensional personality.


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